10 Best Event Armors in Monster Hunter World


Monster Hunter World has been in the top boards in terms of fame, and Capcom to date had sold about 13 million copies of Monster Hunter World across different platforms worldwide.

With that, Capcom has been very generous so far to their Monster Hunter fans that they continuously update the game with different events that fans truly love.

As a matter of fact, there are always different event quests available every week and some of these events are really something a hunter should look after.

As opposed to most other games, Monster Hunter World’s end-game items and equipment can actually be taken through events, and since the game doesn’t have any sort of online transaction particularly trading, you will find yourself as a hunter to look forward on these upcoming events Capcom has to offer.

The question is, what events exactly? There are tons of events in Monster Hunter World that are really good, but for this time we will be dealing with the top 10 best event armors and armor sets that you can get from events in Monster Hunter World.

These event armors and armor sets are considered end-game armor equipment, so brace yourself as we unveil this exciting content!

10. Azure Starlord Armor Set

You can get this armor set by doing USJ: Gold Star Treatment and USJ: Blazing Azure Stars! Event quests respectively.

Basically, you will need to create the lower rank armor set first with the first event quest mentioned, and upgrade the set thereafter with the high rank version of this event.

The armor set by itself may not be that much, but if you play bow or other weapons that rely mostly on elemental attacks, you can choose to pick 2 or even just 1 from these armor set to activate the skill crit element which is unique to the rathalos armor family.

Of course you can still get the skill without any of these armor pieces from azure starlord but with other rathalos armors, but the skills and slots from azure starlord armor pieces might not be something you want to neglect!

9. Arch Tempered Zorah Magdaros Gamma Armor Set

This armor set can be taken from defeating Arch Tempered Zorah Magdaros which is an event-only quest.

The armor set have dozens of slots and is a set that lean towards crit rate and bombing.

The set also features tremor resistance, which is relatively good when fight monsters that are known to stagger you using ground tremors or quakes.

8. Arch Tempered Kulve Taroth Gamma Armor Set

Unarguably one of the best armor set in terms of aesthetics, but is also extremely strong for those who prefer DPS builds.

Using this armor set as a whole is good aesthetically and statistically, but what makes this event monster really dope is because its armor pieces have so good slots and with so good skills –something that most pro builds will definitely not miss on their arsenal.

7. Arch Tempered Kushala Daora Gamma Armor Set

You want to make monsters that rely too much on wind staggers such as Kushala Daora and Lunastra a joke? Then get the Kushala Daora Gamma set and we’ll make this happen without sacrificing too much DPS!

6. Arch Tempered Vaal Hazak Gamma Armor Set

The literal undying, the tankest of the tankest, and the armor set that will simply enable you to survive in some occasions even if your controller suddenly just gets disconnected.

Vaal Hazak’s armor set is known for its hasten recovery and hp recovery beyond the red line, but the gamma y alongside its improved slots and skills just makes the wielder of this beast to be unkillable – something that even the Extreme Behemoth can’t destroy!

5. Arch Tempered Teostra Gamma Armor Set

Arch Tempered Teostra Gamma Armor Set best event armor monster hunter world

The armor set that is built for crit rate lovers.

This armor set is solely designed to punch those crit rates to its highest value as possible.

The armor set may be mediocre when worn as a whole, but most speedrunners and pro players have Teostra gamma y in most of their builds to reach that juicy 100% crit rate.

4. Arch Tempered Lunastra Gamma Armor Set

My personal favorite, a passive aggressive type of gameplay would surely love this thing.

It is built for endurance and is complimented with high damage modifiers.

And the more the monster rages, the sooner it will meet its demise.

The full set by itself when worn is definitely 2nd only to the Drachen Armor set from Behemoth, but chunking a piece or two in your build will grant you unprecedented survivability boost with little to no DPS loss.

3. Arch Tempered Kirin Gamma Armor Set

The best in aesthetics (female characters only), but also something gunners and elemental attack lovers will never want to miss.

Built for ultra high elemental attack boost and would grant the wielder some extra ammos to shoot.

If worn as set (or at least 3 pieces of it), you will get Kirin’s blessings, and that is to have high chance of getting better rewards when you capture a monster.

Something you don’t really want to miss.

2. Arch Tempered Xeno’jiiva Gamma Armor Set

Another armor set that gunners would go crazy about.

3 pieces of this armor set will grant the rapid shot skill, and that is to have a chance that you will not spend an ammo after you shot one.

This skill is unique to the xeno’jiiva armors, but the gamma version will grant you better slots and skills (critical boost up) that you will never want to miss.

1. Arch Tempered Nergigante Gamma Armor Set

An armor set that would make the wearer happy even on its own.

Nergigante’s armor pieces are widely used for its maximum might skill, but the gamma version of this armor has been taken into a next level.

It is now boosted with better attack modifiers which just makes a hunter who wears this beast literally hard to beat.


The armor sets mentioned may not be best to be worn in full set, because Monster Hunter World simply just doesn’t work that way.

The game is designed for you to experiment and mix armor pieces altogether to get a better and stronger build, hence, farming for the complete sets will simply grant you more versatility and wider range of choices when you aim for that best build.

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