Apex Legends Revenant guide: The Master of ambush

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What makes Revenant such a strong character is his Ultimate skill and passive skill that makes him a worthy team player and enemy to play against. Not a lot of people like him simply because they don’t fully understand him or properly know how to use his skills effectively.

Apex Legends Revenant guide

but in truth, Revenant is a great character to learn and play where you will find yourself winning with your team easily. So, don’t worry as our Apex Legends Revenant guide will teach you how to use Revenant in Apex Legends effectively.

Apex Legends Revenant Guide: Revenant’s Primary and Passive Skills 

Passive skill: Stalker

Revenant’s passive skill relies on his physical attributes, granting him faster crouching speed and the ability to climb higher walls. You can leverage this advantage to climb walls twice the normal height, reaching 10-11 meters.

He can also climb shorter walls at 25% more speed which makes maneuvering around high terrain and structures a breeze for a revenant player.

Tactical Primary Skill: Silence

Silence is a crowd control skill great for nearby combat and it can have up to two charges stored that you can throw two times. Moreover, Silence gives Revenant the ability to throw a device that deals 10 damage on impact around the area.

It also allows you to ”Silence” an enemy disabling their tactical primary and ultimate skill for 20 seconds long, annoying for your opponent, isn’t it? This also disables some passive abilities of certain characters when active such as:

  • Lifeline’s combat Revive
  • Gibraltar’s Gun Shield
  • Pathfinder’s Grappling Hook

Ultimate Skill: Death Totem

Death Totem is a powerful ultimate in the right hands, and this is what makes Revenant such a good character with the proper team chemistry doing the correct effective strategies.

When activated, Revenant drops a Death Totem that any team member can use. This protection prevents the user from dying or getting down; instead, the player respawns back at the totem’s placement. Beware enemy players can use the Death Totem if found.

The only downside in using your ultimate is how enemy damage goes straight to your Health and not your shields and going too far from the totem will make you exit your Ultimate form causing you to be vulnerable in the middle of a fight. You also cannot heal in Ultimate form, or apply shields. The weakness of your Ultimate form is easily countered via an AOE skill like Caustic Nox Gas Traps/Grenades, Bangalore Airstrikes and other AOE abilities most of the time.

Apex Legends Revenant guide: Tips on how to use Revenant Apex Legends 

Communicate when you’re going to Totem or Silence

Don’t forget to Communicate with your teammates because your ultimate and tactical skill is for team fights, and letting your teammates know where and when you will use your ultimate is crucial you have to time it and know exactly what you’re doing when engaging an enemy squad. Timing your silence so your team can charge as well without worrying about enemy abilities is important, so communicate as much as possible.

Know when and where to place your Totem

Totems are valuable for saving you from actual death or being downed. However, placing this Totem in a vulnerable or predictable location is unfavorable, as respawning takes time, during which you might face an ambush, or enemies may exploit your Totem for their advantage.

Don’t go alone or stray far from teammates.

Revenant is an aggressive character, but he needs to be with the team to be of good use because his skills are meant for team fights, and not dueling enemies alone. So, keep in mind to coordinate with your team when attacking, because Revenant can and will wipe out an enemy squad with a confident team.

Use Revenants passively to your advantage

Revenants can climb higher walls and crouch faster which you can use this passive for a lot of versatile movement from terrain and infrastructures during combat. Not a lot of new players know this possibility or don’t know how to properly engage enemies when navigating terrain and objects with Revenants.

Silence skill is your best friend

Revenant players tend to forget to use their Silence skill during crucial moments or end up using it in unnecessary moments. You should use Silence as much as possible when a squad is all close together, whether behind cover or inside a building, which they should time with other abilities like Gibraltar’s ultimate and Bangalore’s ultimate. Silence is overpowered, it disables enemy abilities for 20 seconds and their passive which just makes this such a great primary skill to use in combination with other character skills in the team.

Using SMGS or shotgun weapons as Ideal weapons

Subjective as it may be, ultimately, choosing SMG or Shotgun weapons proves to be a better option because Revenant’s abilities and team tactics cater to close or mid-range fights. Opting for weapons suitable for close to mid-range emerges as a better choice for your loadout.

Keep practicing and have fun

Revenant is quite hard at first, and it can intimidate new players, but in fact, his abilities are quite easy to use you just need a good team with the right coordination that you can execute properly which makes winning easier with Revenant. Learn how to time your Ultimate and Silence skill in combat and everything will work in your Favor.

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