Top 10 Rarest Skins Fortnite (You’ll Never Get)

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Today we’ll be taking a look at some of the Top 10 Rarest Skins Fortnite the measure we use to judge rarity is simply the availability of the item. If anyone can purchase it at the moment, it’s not a collector’s piece. Even if it’s just a common item that hasn’t appeared in the shop for over a year, consider it as rare as can be. That brings us to the rarest melee skin…

10. Piledriver 

Piledriver features a beautiful insignia on its face and the gold trim at the top gives it a great finish.

Rare as can be it’s become a collector’s item coveted by many and owned by only a few!

9. Thumbs up/down

This puppy, currently the rarest emote, hasn’t been seen in forever. For such a common gesture, you’d think it would always be available, but nope! Its absence from the shop has turned it into an item to flex on your friends with.

Not many have the emote and it’s going to stay like that likely so you’ll want to pick it up the next time you ever see it come back into the store as it won’t stay for long!

8. Flapper (Honorable Mention)

Although this item recently returned to the shop, it’s worth mentioning that for a long time, it held the title of the rarest emote in all of Fortnite. It served as the ultimate flex, frequently used to taunt collectors who joined the game at a later date, as they had no way of obtaining the item—adding salt to the wounds!

7. Raptor Glider 

The absolute rarest glider in the game, this skin simply disappeared from the shop and seems like it isn’t coming back.

While there are plenty of way more impressive appearing skins, this is one that if you manage to scoop up will make a few collectors fawn over.

It’s funny that a 500 V-Bucks skin is the most coveted glider but not having can make anyone go wild I suppose.

6. Black Knight (Season 2 Battle Pass)

black knight battle pass rarest skins fortnite

When it was released, the Black Knight skin, one of the coolest season pass rewards, dominated discussions. Those who ground in the early weeks and quickly donned the skin were looked at like gods.

In a game where the only differing factor between you and your opponents are skins as everything else is an even playing ground, we all know how cool flexing an ancient battle pass skin is, there are some kids today that wouldn’t even have been around to pick it up which makes it even rarer!

5. Renegade Raider, (Season 1 Season Store)

Probably should be in number 1 as it’s a true badge of honor collector’s item nowadays, the reward for getting to level 100 in the first-ever season of Fortnite, some players didn’t even join the game till season 5+ who have no chance at this item ever.

The mark of a dedicated veteran, skins like these provoke fear in their opponents at least the ones that can recognize it in the heat of battle of course.

We all know skins don’t make you better, but the sight of this skin instantly shows you how much time the opponent has played causing a slight hesitation in some players.

4. Midnight Ops

Making its debut exactly one year ago from the time of writing the midnight Ops gear features that ever-so-sick cyborg arm, with a bit of a cyberpunk feel to it with 2077 right around the corner this skin will only grow in popularity as well!

The likelihood of this skin returning to the shop anytime soon is very low, given its recent release. However, there are odds that it will reappear in the rotation around the Cyberpunk release as a bit of a cash grab.

Not a problem for us though, as it’ll open up the doors for us to buy that skin with our sweet V-bucks and add it to the collection.

3. Codename E.L.F

Ah Christmas, a time for beautiful holiday cheer and limited-release skins, this puppy debuted back in 2017 and went a bit under the radar until it became quite clear it wasn’t coming back onto the store.

It’s now become a bit of a bragging tool as due to the time it’s been out of the store it’s now quite desired.

Although this skin is not accessible for many of you who exclusively play female characters, it remains a highly coveted rare item by collectors. If you see it available again in the future, I would suggest picking it up!

2. Ghoul Trooper

As of two days ago from the time of writing this piece, the announcement came that the Ghoul Trooper skin, probably one of the most infamous rare skins and an absolute rare gem, is making a return for this year’s Halloween event.

If you missed out on grabbing it before, now is the time to grab it though with all cosmetics it’s a double-edged sword when they return to the store as it diminishes the rarity of the item down to nothing as everyone has access to it yet at the same time it’s still a wicked skin you should pick up!

1. Recon Expert

The rarest skin on our list, but by no means the coolest, is simply so rare because the game developers have never put it back into the store.

Although it debuted as a rather lackluster cosmetic just like with vintage Mickey Mouse cups that your grandma has in her china cabinet, the fewer people have something the cooler it is.

This skin acquired a few years ago, may not be noteworthy on its own, but collectors with multiple season completion outfits envy it if you obtained it back in the day!
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