Minecraft Realms Commands: Minecraft feature that Mojang added to the game for players to rent a monthly private server to play with friends. This article is here to teach you the most helpful commands that can guide you in getting started with your friends for a fun experience.
25. /setblock
/Setblock changes the blocks in front of you to another block type.
This Minecraft Realms Commands can be used in wanting to build things along with the /fill command. If you want to build some nice structures in your Realm server.
24. /fill
/fill command is a great way to fill a gap or hole in your structure with the specified block.
A quick optional way in wanting to put countless blocks down rather than manually doing it by hand.
23. /kill
A command to kill any mobs or players on the server.
You can do this if you want to clear the surrounding area from an annoying Mob, or take revenge on your friend by doing /kill [playerName] or /kill @e[type=[mobID,distance=[value]
22. /replace item
The /replace item command allows you to replace any item, whether from a held item, within a chest, changing entities that hold items, or replacing any item in the inventory slot. It will replace anything of your choice as long as it is an item.If for some reason you want all nearby skeletons to hold a potato rather than a bow, it’s possible:
/replaceitem entity @e[type=minecraft:skeleton] weapon.Mainland Minecraft:potato
21. /clone
This command is used to clone anything you select in your Realm world.
If a friend has built something amazing, and you both want to duplicate it, you can with the /clone command which would be perfect for the Job.
20. /title
You can use this command to add some fun aesthetics to the game, where a message can either pop up on the player’s screen, or above the player’s hotbar slots.
Just something used to play around with your friends if you want to send messages on the realm server in a fashionable way.
/title DigMinecraft title {“text”:” The End is Near”, “bold”: true, “italic”: true, “color”:” red”}. /clear
19. /difficulty
This is to directly change the game’s difficulty as you can’t change the difficulty via options in-game on a realm server, as you would need to disconnect and change the difficulty via Realm settings.
Thankfully there is a command to directly change via in-game using the /difficulty command.
18. /summon
The /summon command is to summon any mob entity that exists in the game, so if you want to mess around with your friends on a Realm server to fight multiple Enderdragons and Withers, you can rightfully do so by doing /summon [MobID].
17. /tellraw
/tellraw is a fancy way of modifying the aesthetics of the text font when you send in chat.
You can easily do this by doing:
/tellraw @a [“”,{“text”:” Hi everyone”,” color”:” green”,” bold”: true}]. If you don’t know how to do this command, going to minecraftjson.com will happily generate the command of your choice so you can send it on your Realms server chat.
16. /w, /msg, /tell
When you want to chat to your friend in your Realm server without your other friends reading it, by doing these commands that were specified will enable you to send a private message to them without anyone knowing.
15. /tm or /teammsg
If you have configured a team in your Realm server, you can do a team-only chat.
Only being sent to people who are in your team that you created. Just by starting the message with /tm or /teammsg.
14. /team
/Team is a command that allows for team creation in your Realm world, meaning if you don’t want to damage a teammate, set a team name color, or chat with whoever is in your team privately, it is possible with this command.
13. /effect
/effect is used to give a potion effect to yourself or a friend in your realm servers. Any potion effect can be given, and you can make the potion time infinite by doing /effect give [playerName] [effectID] [time]
12. /enchant
/enchant is an instant way of getting your desired enchants for a favorite item without going through the grindy process of using the enchantment table.
If you’re aiming to fight your friends with full enchanted gear for PvP. Just do /enchant [playerName] [enchantID] [Value] while holding the item to enchant.
11. /give
/give is a command to give you or a player items on the spot without changing to creative mode.
Since you are the owner of the Realms, you can /give items to your friends without them being promoted to an operator so they won’t abuse the command behind your back. Just do /give [playerName] [ItemID] [amount]
10. /game mode
If you are making Minecraft Realms with your friends with no rules in changing between game modes.
Doing /game mode is a fast way to shift between, creative, survival, adventurer, and spectator mode.
9. /time
If you don’t have a bed, nor do you feel of want to put in effort to run to your bed when night falls, doing /time set day is a convenient and faster way for the world to become day again for you and friends to explore without mobs bothering you. You can also do this for nighttime and noon.
8. /weather
Raining, or snowing, sometimes causes lag for players who don’t have a decent PC, and most of the time, it can be annoying to hear, that no one likes rain. By doing /weather clear, we can change the weather.
7. /seed
This is a command that gives you the seed of the world you are currently spawned in.
6. /tp or /teleport
Both commands function the same and are of great use among players who would like to go meet their friends somewhere in the world instantly without wasting time and running to their location.
5. /locate
/locate is a great helpful command for you to know where specific Minecraft landmarks are located near you, as most of the time, you’re maybe lazy or don’t have enough time to go doing long exploration with your friends, this is a convenient command to make things easy for you when playing with your friends. /locate [landmarkName]
4. /recipe
You can easily do: /recipe give [playername] * to learn every recipe that exists in Minecraft especially when you have friends or new players who are in your realm that don’t remember every single Minecraft recipe, giving them the ability to learn everything would help them craft items easier.
3. /gamerule
/gamerule is a command to make you enable or disable the rules of Minecraft.
2. /setworldspawn or /spawnpoint
The /setworldspawn command, in the name itself, is to create or change the default world spawn for everyone in the realm.
The /spawnspoint works the same, but specifically for the player itself just by doing /spawnspoint [playername].
1. /scoreboard
The /scoreboard command is a feature that enables you to modify the player scoreboard in your realm, which you can modify it to keep track of Players’ statistics like health.
/scoreboard objectives add Hearts health
/scoreboard objectives set display list Hearts